Some things in Vegas are meant to be done with a partner. Where Should You Have A Partner Massage Done?

If you are contemplating a couples massage Las Vegas offers many options. Most people tend to hit a spa for treatment, however, this limits the amount of intimacy you will enjoy with your partner as there are stipulations in place since it will be held in a public facility. Having a massage in the comfort of your home or hotel room is becoming more and more popular with couples as it allows both of you to enjoy the experience without holding back in any way.
How Does The Session Work?
In most cases two masseuses will be provided to administer the massages. One will tend to you as the other tends to your partner. If you have two beds in the same room, or a couch and a bed, this will work well. If you have a large bed, you may be able to have the massage right there if it is bed enough. If not, your personal masseuses will bring along a low folding table to use for your massages. They will be set up next to each other and you will be in close proximity of your partner throughout the entire experience.
You will each be instructed to climb on your bed or table and will lie on your stomach. Beforehand, you will be asked to strip down to be completely nude. Put on a robe if you are modest about being seen. Your masseuse will use a sheet to cover your lower body if you wish. If not, they will not be at all offended if you are stripped bare for them on the table or bed. This gives them more room to administer their touches anyway!
What Feelings Will Be Felt?
When one has a massage from a professional service like ours, they will most likely feel absolutely fantastic! There are several different types of massage we offer, and each of them can be incorporated into a couples session. Our massage girls offer many couples massages in Las Vegas. Tantric, sexual, and NURU massages are all available. If you would like an Asian massage, we have that too! Our oriental masseuses have been known to trigger some intense feelings while in a relaxing state.
We guarantee you will not be upset with the service you receive. We have been told we trump a spa massage by far. When in Las Vegas, do your massage session to the fullest! After all, you only live once and why not splurge for an exciting procedure you will be sure to reminisce about in the future. It is hard to describe how you will feel. It will be pleasurable, that is for sure!
How Does This Work At Increasing Intimacy?
Many people have a massage with their partner to help increase the intimacy between each other. This works because each of you will be wanting your partner to feel good, and when you are feeling good together, it intensifies the feelings. You will enjoy seeing your partner close their eyes as their personal masseuse puts their hands on their body, relaxing the muscles and making the skin tingle from the touch. They in turn will enjoy seeing you feeling the same thing. If you are both in a state of relaxation at the same time, the feelings are increased.
It is always fun to try something new with a partner. Increasing the experience with a pleasing touch that helps put you in a relaxing state will be a time neither of you will forget. If you wish to make the experience even more intimate, add some tantra or NURU procedures to excite you both. The mystery of the unknown will make the session even more entertaining. The anticipation will have you both with heightened awareness and peaked senses. This in turn will be to your benefit as the touching will allow your mind to wander while your body responds to the pulsations of another’s fingers.
It Doesn’t Hurt To Try!
To find out exactly how a massage works with a partner, it needs to be experienced. You won’t get the same results in a spa or with a few friends trying to give the massages. In fact, that may just be a bit awkward all the way around! Instead, call us and schedule a session. The experience will be personalized to you and your partner’s specifications. What do you have to lose? It will give you both something to talk about and you may find it to be a sinfully delightful form of entertainment! Call us today!