Enjoy a special evening with your spouse.
The Power Of The Orient

When one thinks about massage, often an Oriental person is imagined. This is because there is a great reputation in the service you would receive from someone who is originally from the Far east. If you are interested in having Asian massage Las Vegas is a great place to have the ultimate experience. Our services include both Las Vegas Asian massage and NURU massage experiences. You have never truly experienced a massage until you have an Oriental masseuse work their magic!
Stay Comfortable And Save Time
Our massages are performed in the seclusion of your hotel room or home. We send over someone at a predesignated time and you don’t ever have to leave the premises. This is a wonderful service for those who do not have a vehicle. You save on time and gas money as well! Your personal masseuse will show up and you will soon be on your way to relaxation without ever having to set a foot outside! How’s that for service?
Spend Time With Your Loved One
All of our services can be tweaked to cater to one or two people. If you would like to share the experience with a loved one, this is no trouble at all! Many couples find a couples massage to be an intimate experience they would repeat in a heartbeat. If you are looking for a great way to surprise your loved one, having a massage is definitely something they would desire. Having one with you is even better!
Try Something New
If you are visiting Las Vegas NURU massage may be something you will want to give a try if you call to have a massage service. This is a fun time for anyone involved! Just imagine a massage mixed with a whole lot of massage oil. We don’t mean just your back either. You will be saturated with oil! Our oil is beneficial to the skin and has a light scent that is not overpowering. Your personal masseuse will lather you up and jump on board! Seriously, they will straddle you and use their body to administer the massage. While this does sound bizarre, it is actually an intense feeling for the recipient. Don’t be shy, give it a try!
Give The Gift Of Massage
Rather than give a gift certificate to a spa, call us and allow us to give your friend or loved one a massage as a gift they will enjoy to the fullest. Let us know the name of the recipient and we will be happy to schedule their gift at their convenience. They just need to call and the rest will be up to us! This is a unique gift they will not be expecting. They will be delighted to have a masseuse of the opposite sex show up at their home or hotel room to give them an experience they can only dream about! You in turn will be the person who gives awesome gifts!
Lay Back And Relax
Our Vegas massage services include tantric or sensual massages if you wish for a bit more than a standard experience. This allows you to have some playful flirting and will incorporate fantasy into the mix. We guarantee you will be completely satisfied when the session has been completed. Our masseuses are great at role-playing, tantalizing you with temptation and showing you an all around good time. It is all in great fun and you will enjoy the time you spend with our social butterflies!
Pick Your Passion
When you call to make an appointment, let us know what type of massage sounds intriguing to you. Let us know if there are any stipulations in the experience you wish to have, such as only a blonde masseuse or sending you someone who can speak another language. We have many professionals who work for us and we are sure we can find a perfect match to your specifications!
Call Us Today!
What are you waiting for? Get on the phone and call us today! We are ready to answer any questions you may have about the experience you will be given and we want to reassure you the time you spend with your masseuse will be one you will cherish for a great deal of time afterward. We are pretty confident you will be pleased with the service you receive and you may even wish for a repeat performance once you see how fun a massage in your room or home can really be!