An in-room massage can be a great experience.

Massage Choices
If you have never had a massage before, you are missing out on an exciting way to relieve stress when releasing endorphins which give you the feeling of intense pleasure. There are several massage choices available, allowing you to choose one that fits your particular needs. When calling to book a session, our receptionist will ask you if you have a preference in the type of experience you will receive.
Consider trying something completely new. You may have heard about the types of massages you can have in a spa setting. These, while relaxing, are limited. When ordering service to experience, you have a few extra options not available in a public facility.
Tantric Massage Las Vegas
Tantra incorporates teasing and flirting into the relaxation you will feel. Many people find this to be a satisfying way to end a long day, as the massage not only relaxes muscles but it stimulates the brain as well.
Allow The Orient To Consume You
The Asian touch is one many find to surpass others in the field of massage. Many Asian masseuses have special tricks up their sleeve to get their clients to separate the mind from the body, allowing them to get into a complete state of relaxation. Asian massage Las Vegas-style is even more intense. Enjoy this delight in the city that never sleeps with an Oriental masseuse for a time you will be sure to enjoy to the fullest.
NURU Massage Las Vegas
Many are not sure what NURU is all about. This is a massage using special oils to help get your body limbered up for the touch of your masseuse. After you are completely slick, your masseuse uses their own body to put pressure upon your own. This is a wild time for anyone who has never had the experience in the past. If you are a bit daring, a bit naughty, and curious, you may be in for a treat!
Enjoy Time Together
When getting a couples massage Las Vegas is definitely the place to do it! Watch your partner as they are pleasured by the touch of another and then swap positions and let them watch you while you are whisked away into a fantasy state yourself. You will both benefit from the session, feeling rejuvenated and alive when it is completed.
Pick Your Pleasure And Enjoy!
After you have decided which type of massage to try, call us to make an appointment. We have many masseuse choices and will go out of our way to make sure the one we send will meet your approval. If you wish for a blonde woman, she will be sent! If you want a pair of Asian women to give you and your partner a NURU experience, this is who you will have! We have professional massage therapists from all walks of life in both sexes and a variety of personalities.
Las Vegas girls direct to you are known for bringing pleasure.
After you schedule your session, set up your bed area in whichever way makes you feel most comfortable. We ask you clear any personal belongings from your bedside tables to make room for candles, oils, and other props your masseuse may need for your session. If you do not wish for certain sheets to become wet, change them to another set or allow your masseuse to set up their plastic sheet protector to help keep your own linens from becoming soiled. Other than that, sit back and wait for the arrival of your masseuse! After that, the rest is up to us!
Remember To Relax
It is normal to feel tense when you are undertaking a new experience. To get the fullest out of your massage session, it is best to try to relax. This allows your muscles to be in a dormant state, allowing your masseuse to use their magic upon them to take away aches and pains. If you are too tense, the feelings will not be as prominent and you may not have as much enjoyment from the experience.
Allow your masseuse to work their magic. They are trained to take care of your body so you feel pleasure rather than pain. If something feels uncomfortable, be sure to alert your masseuse so they can tweak their methods to feel satisfying. Speak up! Our masseuses are here to work with you in giving you the best experience possible. Call today to reserve your own masseuse and we will send you a professional who will take you to places you never dreamed you would visit!